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- Category: emergency room
- Hits: 352

Shock is a serious pathological state, characterized by the inability of the circulatory system to ensure an adequate amount of oxygen and nourishment to the tissues.
It is due to the decrease of at least 20% in the volume of blood and circulating fluids, the increased diameter of the vessels or the inability of the heart to pump an adequate amount of blood. The causes are various (such as massive bleeding, trauma, extensive burns, polyuria, prolonged vomiting, profuse diarrhea).
The subject has wheezing and irregular breathing, an altered heartbeat, and chills. If the conditions worsen, it can reach a state of circulatory collapse, therefore it is necessary to reconstitute the circulating mass as soon as possible, urgently transporting it to the veterinarian. In the meantime, the animal must be kept warm, reassuring it. If the heart has stopped, do a heart massage (LA RESPIRAZIONE ARTIFICIALE E IL MASSAGGIO CARDIACO) with gentle and regular pressures on the chest, making him assume the Trendelemburg or antishock position: he should be placed supine, with the pelvis raised (on a pillow) and the hind limbs raised, in order to facilitate the venous return to the heart which thus succeeds more easily to supply the brain and reduce the risk of cerebral anoxia.
Although very rare, our cat could play or come into contact with electric wires, thus risking electrocution. The electric current passes through the animal's body causing damage to organs and tissues that are proportional to the duration and intensity of the exposure.
The point that came into contact with electricity appears burned and the animal presents shock, altered cardiac and respiratory activity, decreased blood pressure, loss of consciousness, cardiac fibrillation, muscle contractions, convulsions, acute pulmonary edema.
If the owner finds the cat with the electric wire still in his mouth, he must immediately disconnect the power, then remove the plug from the socket with the help of a rubber glove, check the regularity of the heartbeat
(LA FREQUENZA CARDIACA), cover the cat with a blanket to keep its body warm and transport it to the vet immediately.