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- Category: Cat diseases
- Hits: 413

FIV, feline immunodeficiency, is a disease similar to HIV that affects humans. It is transmitted only between cats and is not contagious to humans or other animals. The disease affects the cat's immune system making it more fragile. It exposes the infected cat more to infections and diseases than a healthy cat.
Transmission occurs through:
A) Scratches and bites between a sick cat and a healthy cat (The infection occurs with the contact between the saliva and the blood of the two cats).
B) Childbirth or infected milk from a mother cat to her kittens (the sick mother cat infects her kittens through childbirth or breastfeeding).
C) Couplings.
To limit the possibility of contagion as much as possible, you MUST NECESSARILY STERILIZE your cat-cat. In this way the cat-cat will not feel the need to fight to mate and mate, greatly decreasing the chances of contracting FIV.
FIV can affect "ALL" cats and of any breed. To find out if our cat is positive for FIV we can carry out the specific TEST by asking our trusted veterinarian.
FIV (FELINE AIDS) can remain latent for a long time before manifesting itself and symptoms.
The most common manifestations of the disease are:
A) respiratory infections
B) Urinary tract infections
C) Acute dermatitis
D) Gingivitis and stomatitis
E) The enlargement of the lymph nodes
F) Apathy and lack of appetite
G) Tumors
H) Extreme resistance of the disease to antibiotics.
There is no cure for IVF, but over the years it has been discovered that the use of interferon contributes to good health maintenance. The life span of the cat is extended if the environment is clean, hygienically protected and the existential conditions are less stressful. A cat affected by FIV is a delicate but autonomous cat, it must be followed during the course of the disease with frequent checks by the veterinarian.
The life expectancy of a cat with FIV varies from individual to individual and cannot be estimated. Some FIV positive cats live for many years, with an excellent quality of life. However, being very fragile and delicate, they need more attention, controls and care than others. With the help of a good and competent veterinarian, we could guarantee our FIV positive cat a longest possible life and an excellent quality of life.