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With the summer, comes a danger for our cats: "the processionary". A stinging insect that could cause serious and serious health problems to our friends. It is a caterpillar, which, moving in line with its fellow creatures, gives its name as in a procession. Once passed the larva state, the processionary moth turns into a harmless moth. These insects nest at the beginning of March on pines and oaks and when the caterpillars come out of the nest they begin to infest the trees and the surrounding environment. They fall from trees and you find them everywhere: on the ground, in the undergrowth, on benches, etc.
The processionaries, looking like a nice and harmless brown caterpillar, can cause a trivial skin irritation in humans through their contact with the skin and a slight burning in the eyes. On the other hand, our cats can cause severe allergic reactions and poisoning.
Small animals such as cats, equipped with a very rapid metabolism, coming into contact with the processionary moth or worse still, swallowing it could get intoxicated and poisoned quickly. The stinging hairs of the caterpillar / caterpillars can become entangled and stuck in the fur or tongue of our little feline. The long stinging hairs of which the processionary moth is covered are similar to hooks that the caterpillar detaches when it senses danger, causing allergic reactions to contact.
Considering that our little feline has a habit and instinct to lick itself (the whole body) to clean itself, it could, having its tongue infected by the processionary moth, spread the infection to other parts of the body.
A cat with the above symptoms must be urgently taken to the veterinarian who will assess its state of health and assign the appropriate therapy. Cortisone is usually given but there is no one-size-fits-all therapy for each cat. It varies from the severity of the situation encountered.
You can try to limit the toxic effects of the processionary moth by removing the hair from your cat's tongue and washing with water and bicarbonate, just before running to the vet.