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- Category: Feline news
- Hits: 332

It is late at night, we are sleeping soundly when "someone" starts running wildly around the house, jumping on furniture, sofas and beds, emitting disturbing meows. That someone is our beloved feline who at night sometimes feels the need to go wild waking up the whole house.
We cat lovers know well that at night our beloved friends go wild in crazy nocturnal runs making us jump and jump out of bed.
But why do they have this behavior?
The cat is a nocturnal predator that hunts at night. In the apartment he does not have the need and the possibility to hunt to get food and he is unable to discharge his energies accumulated during the day because he mainly sleeps most of the time.
Our little feline needs to vent and satisfy his great thirst for energy and starts running uncontrolled all over the house at night.
But what can we do to help him?
We have to make him move by playing with him in the evening, at least for one hour a day. Since the game is a substitute for hunting, the cat will satisfy its hunter instincts, freeing itself from the energies accumulated during the day and will be more peaceful and serene during the night hours.
To help us, if our cat does not have other feline playmates, we could consider adopting another cat / a.