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Cats love to hide and find secret places to hide. They are very curious and spend a lot of time exploring every corner of the house. They find secret passages and search every most unusual corner of the house and garden. Curious, they venture into furniture, wardrobes, shoe racks, chests, sometimes learning to open them with very skilful skills. They love to spend their time hidden in the blankets, cocooned like worms or under the bed. They could remain hidden for hours without responding to our calls, driving us mad with fear.
They find every hiding place and small opening. They can take refuge in even dangerous places: washing machines, dishwashers, ovens, wells, cellars, etc. Curiosity often puts them in danger. We learn to control well all the spaces in which it has access and could hide and we try to foresee and avoid dangerous situations in which our beloved cat can run into.
Feral cats are predators which in turn can be preyed upon. They use hiding places to ambush their prey and to protect themselves from possible enemies. Having a good hiding place, very often, means having a better chance of survival.
This strong instinct is also preserved by our domestic cat. Even though he is not in a dangerous situation, he feels the desire to hide for many reasons.
Let's find out which ones.
1) Curiosity:
the feline, of a curious nature, is a born explorer and conquers every space and hiding place of the house. The little feline can take refuge in wardrobes, drawers, hide among the blankets of our bed to find a protected and comfortable den to stay in complete relaxation, without anyone disturbing him or to keep an eye on us without being seen.
2) Game:
Domestic cats remain eternal puppies and like kittens they continue to play fighting, ambushing, simulated hunting even when they are adults. They do not need to go from simulating the game to reality and use the hiding place to be able to surprise us with sudden and fast ambushes, for a playful fight or by staging a hunt with us prey.
3) Relax:
To sleep away from the chaos of the house. To feel safe, calm and peaceful during the delicate phase of sleep. A place of his own to rest in peace.
4) Fear:
When our feline friend is annoyed, upset, or afraid of some change in the house, he hides out of fear and self-defense. It can happen when another animal is welcomed, when we have noisy guests at home, if we do some work or simply welcome people they don't know. It is good to always leave them available in places or areas in the house where they can find shelter and feel safe even when situations that stress them occur.
If you approach the scared hidden cat, we could unleash aggressive attitudes in him: hisses and scratches, but also insistent and nervous meows. Let's leave him alone until he regains serenity and feels safe to come out of hiding. We can help him by mounting a path of shelves at the top where he can peek at the environment without feeling threatened.
If the fear comes from the insertion of another cat into the family, you can consult the following article: HOW TO INTRODUCE A NEW CAT TO THE FAMILY
5) Physical problem:
Cats tend to hide when they have physical problems: pathologies, pains, weakness, malaise, etc. They tend not to show their health problems outside. In wild life, being weak exposes you to the danger of predators. We pay attention if in addition to hiding for a long time during the day, we notice altered habits of our cat's habits (decreased appetite and thirst, or if he drinks too much, the lack of use of the litter box, an unjustified loss of hair, etc.) . If we have any doubts about the health of our cat, it is advisable to take him for a visit to the vet. To monitor the health of our cat you can consult the following article: HOW TO PROTECT AND PROTECT THE HEALTH OF OUR CAT
6) Behavioral Disorder
A cat that hides out of fear, stress even if there are no triggers or changes in the home can reveal a behavioral disorder. We need to investigate the cause to solve the problem, even with the help of a behavioral veterinarian to give our friend a peaceful life without stress.
Is it right for the cat to hide?
Yes. This is instinctive and natural behavior. Let's provide shelters and shelters for the whole house, at different heights: kennels, boxes, baskets. Places at their complete disposal, where they can feel free from looks and presences and find their healthy solitude, being solitary animals.
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